Launchable Explainer
Client: LAunchable
August 2022
When Launchable speaks to software engineering leaders, their team seeks to alleviate worries about long, stressful software development pipelines. Launchable’s brand voice positions itself as an aid for its customers become heroes for their own companies. When creating this animated explainer, we sought to humanize development struggles, speak with playfulness and creativity, and help an audience of engineers trust that Launchable will help them “launch fearlessly.”
One of Launchable’s key brand pillars is to “think different.” When developing the story for this explainer, we determined that explaining the technical aspects of their products was secondary to showing Launchable’s understanding of the emotions of struggling teams of software developers. We determined that a more humorous and exaggerated “cartoon” approach would reach an engineering audience by poking fun at elements of the development pipeline that can often feel daunting, but are universally felt in the industry. A bit of wry humor softens the stress of development, but never underplays the importance of maintaining the morale of developers.
Visually, the use of abstracted characters and collage imagery supports Launchable’s position as a company focused on creative thinking, not just a single piece of technology. A variety of shapes, textures, and found objects needed to be combined in unexpected ways to build the world within the explainer, allowing the audience to “think differently” about Launchable’s role in the software technology space.
Special thanks to Unspalsh Contributors:
Matt Benson Marjan Blan Terence Burke Paolo Chiabrando César Couto Vanesa Giaconi Jay Heike T K Patrick Langwallner Mohammah Marjani SJ Objio Riya Rohewal Greg Rosenke Samuel Sianipar Markus Spiske Paul Teysen Ryutaro Uozumi Blake Weyland Yaakov Winiarz Yoksel Zok